Finding Motivation in a Sea of Rejections

Niani Byrd
2 min readNov 23, 2021


I’ve been searching for jobs for close to three months, and truthfully, its been a series of highs and lows. Some interviews went really well, while others were…..well….a learning experience. I’m still applying each day, but sometimes it gets very discouraging. I know there are others out there like me who are non-traditional students looking to make a career change into the tech industry. I’ve gathered some pointers on how to remain positive and encouraged as we tackle this giant job-search beast!

Create a Routine

Set a daily routine for your job search and stick to it. I like to spend a few hours each day applying to jobs, emailing recruiters, and sending follow up emails after interviews. Afterwards, I spend time working on a new skill. Right now, I’d love to add Java to my technical portfolio, so I spend a couple hours each day on a Java bootcamp course I bought on Udemy. Since I also work full time, sometimes this schedule changes. For all of my job seekers out there who are also employed full time, its important to have a schedule to keep yourself from getting burnt out!

Find Time to Take a Break

It’s easy to become absorbed by the job search, so it’s essential to take some well-deserved breaks. Use this time to think about something you enjoy, and try to give your mind break. Seriously. It’s very easy to become overwhelmed, so breaks are very important!

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

Read that again. Don’t beat yourself up! Take it from me…I am my own worst critic. After bombing a technical interview, be kind to yourself. Self-assess what you can do better and take each interview as a learning opportunity for the future. But please please please do not beat yourself up. Keep learning and growing and I promise, interviews will become easier.

These are some basic tips to keep your head afloat while searching for a job. I know….its tough! But trust me, the day will arrive when we can look back and be proud of how far we’ve come. Keep hope alive. Network with recruiters. Practice everyday. Most importantly…don’t give up!



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