From Flight Attendant to Full Stack Engineer

Niani Byrd
2 min readJan 22, 2021


My motivation to transition into the tech industry stems primarily from this question: As someone who is constantly consumed by tech each day, if we pull back the curtains, how exactly do my favorite websites and applications function on a daily basis?

As a former flight attendant, every aspect of our job was linked to our work phones. From safety procedures to common medical issues to food and beverage sales, our phones had the required applications to assist the crewmembers with whatever we needed. I deeply enjoyed my career working for an airline. I climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, rode camels in Egypt, hiked a mountain in Ecuador, ate way too much pasta in Italy, danced with the locals in Ghana and so much more. Even with all of the excitement of traveling and learning about different cultures, I knew I wanted to learn a new skill, and preferably a skill that is highly sought after when applying for jobs. The question still remained, if I know I want to transition into the tech industry, where do I begin? What career best aligns with something that I would truly enjoy? The answer is full stack engineering.

Moreover, it’s important to mention the lack of diversity in the tech industry, which is another strong motivation for me to shift into this field. According to research conducted by Built In, just three percent of computing-related jobs are held by African American women (Daley, 2021). 3%! Three. Percent. I could probably write a dissertation on the reasons why that is, but I will summarize with this instead: there needs to be more people of color, specifically, women of color in the tech industry.

I’m so happy to start this journey into full stack engineering. I’m a little nervous because my background is not technical, but I know that I am capable of accomplishing my goals. I am also incredibly grateful to Flatiron School for giving me the opportunity to learn from their outstanding instructors and coaches.

From planes to the computer….one day at a time!



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