Learning to Code? Start Here.

Niani Byrd
3 min readAug 11, 2021


So, you want to learn to code! I’d say that’s a great idea, since the demand for coding skills is increasing rapidly. Not only that but the median annual salary for coding-related professions can begin in the lower $70k range. With that being said, learning to code sounds like a great idea! But….where do you begin? I’ll explain more.

1. Ask Yourself What You Want To Do

What’s your end goal? What do you want to accomplish with your coding skills? Do you want to manage databases? Create web applications? Do you want to make a complete career change or are you looking for an internal promotion? I just threw a bunch of questions at you, but these questions are integral to helping you figure out where to begin and what languages you should learn. But, if you are still unsure of where to begin I would suggest learning a language that is very widely used such as JavaScript, Python, or C#. Take a look at this infographic by CodeBurst for even more information on where to begin:


2. Figure out what you like…..and don’t like!

If you have a hard time answering the questions in the previous section, take stab at a language by signing up for a cheap course on Udemy, Coursera, or even watch some YouTube videos for free to get a feel for the language. That’s way cheaper than signing up for a bootcamp and then realizing you don’t like it that much. When I first decided to learn to code and didn’t fully know where to begin, so I signed up for a Data Science course with IBM on Coursera. I loved the course but I still wanted to explore other options. I started learning more about full stack web development and loved it! I started learning JavaScript and was accepted into Flatiron School’s Full Stack Web Development Coding Bootcamp. It took a while for me to figure out what I enjoyed, but I can thank Udemy and YouTube for helping me out.

3. The best way to make coding fun and personal is to create projects that excite you. Not only will you get the practice that you need, you will also have while doing it! For example, I have a (slight) obsession with Breaking Bad. My first project ever was application that generates information on every character in Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and El Camino. Not only did I learn about the basics of Ruby, but I also created an application that I still use to this day!

4. Be Patient With Yourself!

Coding is not easy! Unless you are the reincarnation of Albert Einstein, some concepts will not come to you very quickly and that’s okay! For the LIFE of me I could not understand hoisting, promises, and async/await in JavaScript. It took time, patience, and reading and re-reading MDN documents before it started to make some sense. IF you are coming from a background with zero coding, you will need to give your time to learn and understand. Programming is like learning a new language!

5. Try a Coding Bootcamp

Once you realize the programming language that you want to learn and the career path that you want, consider attending a bootcamp. Choosing Flatiron was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. My instructor was great and the learning materials were fantastic. I never felt alone in my journey, even on days when I felt especially frustrated. Bootcamps can be very expensive, but there also scholarships available….be sure to check them out!


This was meant to be a short and sweet guide to get your foot in the door and start your journey into the land of tech. It’s a difficult ride but the destination is great!



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