Whiteboarding 101: You Got This!

Niani Byrd
2 min readDec 26, 2021

If you’re looking for a job in the tech industry, you’ll probably be asked to live code in front of some of the engineers. This method of interviewing is commonly referred to as whiteboarding. Now if you’re a newcomer to tech like myself, this will probably seem pretty scary. Well guess what? You’re right! It’s super scary, but that doesn’t mean you won’t knock it out of the park. Just recently, I had very helpful conversation with a friend of mine who interviews many engineering candidates. So, I’ll take the time to share some of the gems he shared with me!

1. Read the question. And then read it again.

After the interviewers present the question to you, you may feel inclined to just dive right in and start to code. But wait — that’s a red flag! Read the question, and then sit and think about how you want to attack the problem. Show the interviewer you comprehend the question, then begin to write your code.

2. Think out loud while you write your code

You know the old saying, “I’m not a mind reader!” Well, it’s true. The interviewer can’t read your mind. Write your code, but also be sure to explain your train of thought.

3. Ask questions

Don’t be afraid to ask questions! If you don’t understand something, don’t try and guess. Always ask clarifying questions to ensure you fully comprehend the problem.

4. Prepare prior to the interview

This might seem obvious, but practice is key. Get used to coding in front of people, and practice daily data structures and algorithms questions. Practice is a MUST.

These are key tips to help you prepare to conquer your next whiteboarding coding interview. Trust me, its scary, but you can do it. Don’t worry, you are fully capable!

